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Trusted since 2005 | Over 200,000 Boots Sold

Happy Feet | 1000+ USA Reviews

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Who should have been at Glastonbury wandering around in their wellies this weekend?!

With festivals being cancelled this year most have decided to live stream them instead.

We have some top tips of how to have the festival experience at home All the fun without the mud unless you want to create one in the flowerbed for a truly authentic experience!

1.Down Tools

In order to enjoy the streamed festivals you will need to take some down time away from work and all the jobs around house or you will miss the live feed and not be able to enjoy fully. Maybe check out the BBC iPlayer and schedule your time around favourite bands

2. Get outside if you can

Turn the TV round if you can safely so you can sit in the garden while music is streaming, make sure your music streaming devices are charged (nothing worse than mid-tune your battery letting you down!) 

For the full-fat festival experience, why not set up a tent and sleep overnight in the garden?

3. Treat Yourself

The whole point of a festival is that it’s a treat! Not something that occurs everyday. So you could break out the BBQ or order take-away one night. Many local restaurants have turned into take-away outlets, so it’d be a great way to support local businesses too.

Maybe there’s a particular dish you crave from the festival arena. Why not try your hand at making it yourself at home for the event? And serving it in take-away cartons? 


4. Dress for the Occasion - including the garden

If you’ve been to a festival before, you will know that the dress code is pretty much whatever you feel like…plus your Jileon Wellies of course -  the stranger the better from my experience - so if you have a fancy dress box raid it get the whole family involved - or if you prefer a little more stylish why not pop on that summer dress you had saved for a holiday and enjoy it (who knows when you will wear out don't waste it!)

And don't forget to dress up the garden - Fairy Light, Bunting, Flags will all add to your day. Throw some blankets and cushions around for a dedicated chill out area and if you have a disco ball why not hang it from a tree! It will all make it seem like a new place for a couple of days.

5. Have some friends visit

Government guidelines from 24 June 2020 state that: “In England and Northern Ireland, people can already meet outside in groups of up to six people from different households.” Which means, if you’re comfortable with it and can maintain the 1 plus metre social distance rule then you could enjoy your virtual festival with friends outdoors.


6. Share with us your Festival Wellies
Glastonbury have some great playlists streaming for the next 4 days so enjoy all they have on offer - there's something for everyone and we would love to see you in your boots enjoying your very own festival at home so do tag us on our socials or email images through
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