Trusted since 2005 | Over 200,000 Boots Sold

Happy Feet | 1000+ USA Reviews

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Trusted since 2005 | Over 200,000 Boots Sold

Happy Feet | 1000+ USA Reviews

Try At Home | 60 Day Risk Free Returns

Ankle rain boots fit literally up to your ankle.  Being a rain boot, they are made of rubber meaning that they are more waterproof than a standard shoe and this also makes them easy to wipe off any mud if you need to.

They can have a purpose for anyone!  From someone who needs something to easily slip on their feet to pop outside to put out the recycling rubbish, put the washing out, put food out for the birds, grab something in from the car to someone who is unable to bend down easily to pull on longer welly boots.  This can be a great help if you are pregnant and bending down is becoming more difficult.

There is no problem if you have a wide calf or even extra wide calf as the ankle boot doesn't go that high! 

The ankle boot can be worn with a variety of outfits that longer boots may not enhance.  Skirts, wide trousers and even shorts all look good with an ankle boot for walking the dog, attending a festival, gardening or just collecting the children from school.  They are so light that they are simple to carry around and do not take up much space if they are left in the boot of the car.

When there is morning dew on the grass or the ground is wet from a rain shower, it is great to have a boot that will not let in the damp and stop your feet getting wet.

At Jileon we have different designs of ankle boot.  Our boots are a wide fit around the ankle area and in the foot. We regularly receive positive feedback from people who have needed a comfortable boot due to a medical reason such as swollen ankles, issues with their feet and the need for an 'easy to get on' boot.

For me – I cannot live without my "outdoor slippers" as I call them!!


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